After disappearing from the WoW scene for a long time – my last post here dating back to 2010 (heck, where has the time gone?) I got back into WoWing. To be honest, I gave it a shot for a few months after the Pandaria expansion was released. Then I got bored again, quit, and now, after the news about Lords of Draedmor, I’m back. For how long? Who knows at this point.

As you can guess, most of the guides I wrote in the past, are now outdated. I might update them in the future, if I find the time.

My Warlock is still Destro, although her secondary spec is now Demonology, which I haven’t mastered at all, nor have I given it an honest shot. She’s level 90, has an average item level of 503 which is not too bad considering I don’t really raid anymore. You can find her profile on the armory here.

I know I still have to enchant the items, and buy gems for most the gear sockets. I’m lazy like that.

I’ve been mostly doing some easy achievements on my main, and have 10730 achievement points now. At least it’s over 9000. I also levelled her professions, tailoring and enchanting, to the maximum.

As for my other characters, my DK is stuck at level 87. I’m levelling this one with a friend, and it’s been a slow grind waiting until we both have time. I did manage to bring my priest to level 90. At the moment, I’m trying to gear up my priest, and levelling her professions.

Then there’s a bunch of lowbie characters in various stages of being levelled: a paladin at level 66, a warrior at level 50, a mage at level 17, a level 5 monk and a level 1 rogue and hunter. The rogue used to be my bank alt, but I’m thinking about levelling her either way. Who needs bank alts nowadays?

I’ll try to update this blog once a week, but I’ll make no promises. Because I’m a nice person, I’ll try to update the guides as well, but that’ll take some time. Life has been super-duper busy.


A quick update


I’m sorry I hardly posted as of late, I have been very busy with university assignments and studying for some classes. Now it’s the Christmas holidays and yet again I find myself studying. A student’s life is hard. 😦

My warlock is level 85, and has been for a couple of weeks now, actually three days after the release of Cataclysm she hit the big 85 and went off into heroic dungeons. So far, I hardly find them as difficult and challenging as people had predicted, but then again maybe I was lucky with the groups I got into, because I did hear some horror stories from other guildies. I occasionally work on enchanting and tailoring, but I’ve slowed down a bit when it comes to playing WoW (due to the enormous pile of study work) so I’m nowhere near the maximum yet.

I did do all the quests in Mount Hyjal on my Death Knight, who is now level 82. I’m hoping to get her to level 85 by the end of the finals at the end of semester (they end on the 3th of february) so I can get back into raiding and running heroics with her too, and not just spend the rare spare time I have on my hands solely on my warlock. When my boyfriend levelled his mining, he did save up some stuff and send it to my DK (Myrith has mining and blacksmithing as her two professions, both on about 200) so I did work a bit on her blacksmithing.

That’s about it. Oh, and, Merry Christmas!


I was bit uninspired for a title for this post, so I decided to go for a simple, descriptive title. This post might be a bit confusing, as it well focus on a lot of things, and hop from one topic to another. Since this post will simply get too long if I want to include everything, I’ll only focus on my progress in this post. Goals, thoughts and comments will be in next post.

As I already mentioned in my last post, my boyfriend and I went to the night opening of a local games’ store to buy Cataclysm. By the time we got back home, and installed the game – install was really fast, probably because we only had to download an additional 130MB – and tried to login, it failed. The reason for this is probably the fact too many people were trying to log in and once, and although our server Boulderfist EU is somewhat underpopulated, especially on the Alliance side, I guess the servers had trouble holding it anyway. It was around 01 o’clock in the morning when we finally got to login. My warlock was already stationed in Orgrimmar, ready for the big old levelling adventure, and as soon as I logged in, I received a quest. Did the quest, looked in some watery vision thing, then got the Warchief’s Command: Vashjir. The reason I went for Vashjir rather than Mount Hyjal is simple. I wanted something different from what I’m used to, and I wanted the seahore. Badly. Bad enough to spend 4 hours in water, although usually swimming is my most hated thing in WoW. However, in Vashjir swimming is relatively fast and easy, especially when you have the seahorse, so it didn’t annoy me this time. During the first couple of quests, a lot of people were doing the same quests at the same time. This usually was no issue, with the quick mob respawn time and all, but for one particular quest, Buy Us Some Time, we had to kill 8 Zin’jatar Raiders. I can tell you one thing about these guys: there aren’t very many of them, and when they did appear, it was a race against ten other players to get to them first. Hell on earth, so to speak. We literally spent an hour trying to kill 8 lousy raiders, which I saying something. Thank god the other quests went faster, and by the time we got past Kelp’thar Forest, the amount of people online and on the same quest as we were was significantly lower.

I liked Vashj’ir, and levelling went actually faster than I had anticipated. The concept of an underwater world is new, innovative, and fun, although sometimes easier to get lost in than a normal zone (but then again, I get lost very easily). I loved the questline that turned you into a Naga Battlemaiden, and made you see visions of the past. Also, got an achievement for that: Visions of Vashj’ir Past. It took us about 3 hours to reach level 81, that is included the hour we spent on one single quest. Although that was relatively fast, the amount of xp needed did nearly double from level 81 to 82, so we decided to give it a rest, dive into bed, and continue in the morning. The sleep, although only three hours of sleep, was much needed, even though we had supplies like Red Bull, tons of coffee, chocolate, and a huge amount of snacks.

At around 8 o’clock in the morning we were back to levelling. Fighting more naga, entering a giant monster-like creature, and finally going on a trip with Captain Jewels Verne. 116 quests into Vashj’ir, it was time to move on to another quest zone, being level 82 and all. My boyfriend wanted to continue in Vashj’ir to get the achievement, but I persuaded him by saying I wanted to be the guild’s first warlock on level 85, and he could be the guild’s first level 85 paladin. He wasn’t completely happy with the decision, but followed my plan anyway. Back to Orgrimmar we went, where I discovered there was now a portal to Vashj’ir (apparently it only appears when you ‘unlock’ the zone), and was ofcourse quite happy with that, seeing as tons of people had already complained about how to get in and out of Vashj’ir. We got the Warchief’s Command: Deepholm! quest, and hurried our new level 82’s ass to the new quest zone.

Now I have to say, levelling from 80 to 82 was relatively easy, took about three hours per level, but things got more difficult at level 82. I am not particularly fond of Deepholm. I found it unoriginal, boring, and the quests were much too predictable and generic. I liked the general idea of finding fragments of the World Tree, but that was it. I don’t know, maybe I missed out on some epic, world-changing lore thing or something, but I didn’t find it all that awesome. However, not that many people around, so questing went a lot faster. To be honest, I hardly remember anything about Deepholm, so it must have been boring considering it was only two days ago. All I remember is kill, loot, kill, loot, save prisoners, kill. That, and the battle at the end, where I got to solo-kill High Priestess what’s her name, and my boyfriend ran off with the credit. >.< Close call that one, but I’m an epic warlock for a reason. It was only at level 82 I began replacing some of my epics with improved blue gear. Eventually we levelled, with 116 of the 125 quests done, so a close one. To be honest, we didn’t find any other quests in Deepholm at first glance – except dailies, tons of dailies – so that’s the only reason why we didn’t just finish the remaining nine quests.

With our bright and shiny new level 83, and the entrance to The Stonecore found, we queued for a dungeon. We got three 100k xp quests, which is always a nice bonus, an additional healer and two dps, and set off into The Stonecore. Before the release of Cataclysm, my boyfriend had been continuously whining about how I (yes, I, he always think I’m just another stupid dps or something) would have to learn tactics in the new dungeons because they’d be extremely difficult and we’d all wipe a bazillion times. I can’t really speak for the level 85 dungeons, but this certainly wasn’t the case in The Stonecore. I only died once, because I didn’t figure out in time that when the giant guards do a certain attack that makes the ground shake, you have to jump. The mage died too, so no worries. πŸ˜› Apart from that, we didn’t have one single wipe and finished the dungeon well enough. Sure, there were some tactics involved, but after playing Wow for a while, you just know it’s not a good idea to stand in fire, laser beams, or anything that looks more dangerous than a fluff bunny. I don’t know about the other dungeons – heroics might be drop dead difficult, for all I know – but The Stonecore is fairly easy to do, and we got about 500k xp when we were done, which is a nice bonus (300k from quests, 100k from mobs and bosses, 100k from random dungeon). It was nice start into level 83 too, because it would turn out, going from level 83 to 84 isn’t all that easy after all. Really, not easy at all.

We went back to Orgrimmar, got a couple of quests (maybe only one, don’t remember really) and took the flightpath to Tanaris. Then we escorted the caravan inside Uldum, which was quite impressive. Uldum, contrary to Deepholm, did charm me. I liked the giant, pyramid-and-ancient-Egypt-like buildings, the tiger people, the statues, tunnels, secret chambers, wars, everything. It felt like I was back into Ancient Egypt and since that’s always been one of my favourite eras, I was very pleased. Questing in Uldum was a bit more challenging to be honest. The mobs had more HP, which wasn’t really the issue since my warlock is epic enough to deal with that, but for some reason questing went a lot slower than in the other areas. We also found the entrance to The Lost City of the Tol’vir and Vortex Pinnacle, but we didn’t do the dungeons. On the one hand, because our gear was too low in level for the first, and because I didn’t feel like doing the second. Eventually we finished 78 quests in Uldum before we levelled, which is 30 shorts to get the achievement, and a much lower number than I had thought at first glance. However, it took us about six, the dungeon included, which is about double the amount of time we spent in the other quest areas. That’s what you get when you need 5 million xp…

There was no follow-up quest leading us back to Orgrimmar at level 84, so we just flew back to Tanaris, and then took the flightpath. In Orgrimmar we got a quest from the big old Warchief himself, and from some people standing around him. Before we could dive into the Twilight Highlands, the final questing zones, there were about 10 quests in Orgrimmar first, which I thought was a nice switch from things. The quests were also fun and original, like checking out vehicles whether they work or not, kill someone who’s been double-crossing Thrall, etc. Fun, fun. Then we got transported to the Twilight Highlands, where once again we were faced by the kill, save, loot system, but the environment was fun, so all was good. There was one particular series of quests, were we got continuously attacked – but I mean, all the time, and I don’t even think that was the purpose of said quest – by Warhammer Raiders, which was just plain annoying, and we wasted a lot of our time there. We had to gather food, but couldn’t because some Warhammer fellow was hitting us with an axe, sword, or worse. Pretty damn annoying.

Apart from that there were some cool questlines in the Twilight Highlands, like the one with the tentacles and the epic battle between the dragon mother and our hated Deathwing. Needless to say, the latter one, because he’s epic like that, and well it’s sort of the purpose for us to defeat him rather than have him killed off right away by some dragon lady. I finished all quests in the Twilight Highlands, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough to level, and I’m stuck on 80%. But no worries, lovely people, there is still a thing called dungeons, I’m eligible for all, have found entrance to all, and I’m ready to kill stuff. Unfortunately my friendly neighborhood tank had work this afternoon, so I won’t be able to do anything until later on this evening. Gah. But I’ll keep you tuned on how they went. Planned: Grim Batol, The Lost City of Tor’vir and the Halls of Origination. Wish me good luck.

Now, since I’ve told you practically all there is to know about my levelling process, I would also like to tell you my opinion about Cataclysm, some of the new features, etc. But this post is already getting quite too long, so I’ll keep that for another time. πŸ˜›
Also, I’ll inform you when I’ve hit the big 85. Hopefully soon.

Tonight was a very special night. The boyfriend and I went to a night opening of a local game’s store and bought Cataclysm. Since I’ve never went to a night opening before, it was quite the experience :P. Now I’ve just finished installing the game, logged in, bought Flight Master and am now trying to share my internet connection with my boyfriend so we can both head over to Vashjir. I heard from a guildie that it’s quite packed there, with 40 people looking for the same item, so it might be a bit of a race. Nevertheless, I’m up for it, I have snacks and beverages, so I might survive through the night…and the next day…and night. Ough, this is gonna be hard πŸ˜› Anyways, back to playing now, hope you all have a nice time levelling, and I will tell you more about my Cataclysm experience later on, when I’m less hyper and eager to play.

Oh, and before I forget, Happy Cataclysm everyone!

I thought it was a good idea to post a monthly round-up of things that have been going on in World of Warcraft, the progress my characters have made, and what my plans are for the future (if any). November was a bit of an odd month for me, since I was mostly busy with university stuff and somehow halfway through november realised my social life was going straight downhill, and I needed to get it back. Also, the new patch was released, which turned Orgrimmar upside down, made the lowbie questlines A LOT more interesting, and released some great new class/race combinations. Anyway, here’s a resumΓ© of my adventures in Azeroth for the past month.


No surprise here, but I spent countless hours on my warlock trying to get the Loremaster achievement before the release of Cataclysm, only to find out the achievement has already changed in the latest patch, and I’ve gone down about 300 quests in Kalimdor. It feels a bit like starting from scratch again, but well, at least I kept the achievement in the Eastern Kingdoms, which makes it a whole less worse. It’s much easier to be Loremaster now, with the zone specific quests they added. To get out of the sadness and depression that overwhelmed me once I realised I lost 300 quests, I decided to do a quick questie achievement: Silithus Quests. Now I’m back working my way from the bottom to the top in Kalimdor. But fear not, I will succeed.

To be honest, the last few weeks of november, I sort of ignored the warlock, and focused more on levelling my newbies, so I never really got further than Sindragosa and The Blood Queen (so no Lich King for me, meh), mainly because I didn’t go to ICC every week. There were some guild troubles too, regarding the ICC issue. Our guild is fairly large with 100+ members, but only about 15 are on when it’s raiding time, which means we never get to go to ICC25. Now I have no trouble with ICC10 whatsoever, except for the fact that one of the raid masters always wants me to bring my warlock, whereas I would like to bring my Death Knight for once. On my warlock, with high-end raiding gear and really no use in ICC prePutricide, it always feels like I’m carrying the other members of the guild. I do 10k dps, whereas the follow up will probably do around 6k, or even less. Of course when my dps drops away, and we end up with my Death Knight’s dps, who does about 5-6k (still more than half of the guild members with way better gear) ofcourse we can’t keep up against some bosses. But it’s simply not fair that my warlock has to come every single time only to “carry” other guildies through ICC. I’ve been doing that since september and it’s fine, but I’d like my alt to be “carried” through ICC too then, once in a while. Anyway, /rant. Now you now why my ICC activity has been nihil, and lets not get into that furthermore.


When I got angry with the guild not wanting to take me, my boyfriend and I pugged an ICC run. My DK did about 5-6k dps first time in ICC, with 4.8k gs, which I think is quite good. We downed every boss in one try, and unfortunately most people had to go when we were at Putricide. It’s amazing how sometimes PUGs can go better than guild runs. 😦 I haven’t done much on my DK apart from that, since I spent more time on my lowbie alts this month.


My poor priest had been stuck on level 38 for ages now, so a couple of days ago I decided to level her. It’s actually fun running dungeons as a healer, a role I have never taken up before and does fit me well. Dire Maul was gorgeous, like an old roman ruin or something, and Stratholme really is a lot more interestingly build nowadays. Unfortunately during the last run the tank really, really sucked, and then blamed me for not being able to heal him when he runs into 10 mobs at once, then when I have a MB and clearly tell him, decides to run into another 10 mobs. This sort of ruined the fun for me, but nevertheless I loved healing. I would love to get my priest to level 50 before the release of Cataclysm, but that will be difficult. She’s level 45 now, dual-specced for Holy and Shadow (which only costs 10g!) and ready for action.


As I already mentioned earlier on this month, I made a blood elf warrior named Nefaryaen. I level her mostly by questing, and the occasional dungeon once in a while. It’s going really smooth, smoother than I remember on my lock. The newly changed quest areas are great, especially Hillsbrad Foothills and Western Plaguelands, with new quests, easier quest-completion stuff (you don’t have to walk back to the questgiver every time), more interaction with questgivers (like one of them actually flies you to an island on his dragon, etc.) and all in all, questing is much quicker and more enjoyable. My warrior is now level 40 (in under a week, I’m simply amazing) and I hope to get her to level 50 before the release of Cataclysm. Wish me luck!